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Porting the Fonts from other X Platforms to DESQview/X
Why does DESQview/X need the fonts from other X platforms?
When an X application is displaying on a DESQview/X system, it makes
X Protocol requests to the DESQview/X server to provide the
appropriate fonts resources. If DESQview/X's X Server doesn't
provide the font resources requested for the X application, the
content of the application's window may not be visible, or X Server
may substitute a different font, which may be undesirable.
How can I get a font from the other X platform?
The X Window System allows an X Server's screen to support many
different fonts for display purposes. A X Server may have many
bitmapped fonts installed (in addition to the scalable ones that
DESQview/X also uses). These fonts are found in the font directories
in files with the extension .SNF, for Server Natural Format. SNF
fonts are specific to a particular server; generic versions of the
fonts are distributed in .BDF format (Binary Distribution Format),
and a utility called BDFTOSNF converts .BDF files into .SNF format.
(Note that the fonts described here are distinct from printer fonts,
though often the same basic technology can be used for both the
screen and the printer; DESQview/X, for example, uses Adobe Type
Manager technology.)
What does this document cover?
This document explains the steps necessary to copy fonts from the
other X platform (typically, though not always, a UNIX-based system)
to the DOS machine on which DESQview/X was installed. The steps
covered in this document begin with the assumption that you have
already installed DESQview/X, and have configured TCP/IP networking
software on both the X platform and on the DOS machine which runs
1. Transfer the .BDF font files from the X platform to the DOS machine.
On the DOS machine, create a directory into which the .BDF font files
will be copied. The best place for this is a subdirectory
DVX\SERVER\FONTS directory; create one with a name that is meaningful
to you. For our example, we will use NEWXFONT. If your DESQview/X
directory is not \DVX, change the path accordingly.
Next, start DESQview/X, open a DOS window, and (if necessary) change
to the directory on the DESQview/X machine where the FTP (File
Transfer Protocol) program is stored (typically the \DVX directory).
cd \DVX
Use the FTP utility to copy the .BDF files from the X platform.
Usually you can do this by issuing the following sequence of
C:\DVX> ftp [hostname] [username] <ENTER>
password: [user-password] <ENTER>
cd [fontpath] <ENTER>
mget [fontpath]*.BDF <ENTER>
quit <ENTER>
In the above sequence of commands:
[hostname] is the alias name or Internet Protocol (IP) address of the
target X platform to which you are copying font files.
[username] is the login account name on the target X platform which
has the right to access the necessary paths.
[password] is the password required for [username] to log
successfully onto the target X platform.
[fontpath] is the directory on the target platform where the X Server
font resources are located. This directory varies from platform to
platform. If you are uncertain about this directory, please contact
the system administrator of the target platform.
2. Convert the font files from "binary definition format" (.BDF) to
"server natural format" (.SNF), and create a FONT.DIR file which
will contain a listing of the new fonts.
Before you can use the fonts from the other X platform, you must
convert the .BDF files (which are in "Binary Distribution Format") to
.SNF ("Server Natural Format") files. These files comprise the fonts
that the X Server may use. When the X Server is requested for a
particular font it will search the fontpaths for files named
FONTS.DIR. This file is a catalog of font filenames which are
associated with a particular X font resource string. BDFTOSNF.EXE
manages to font conversion, and MKFNTDIR.EXE creates the font
listing. MKFNTDIR comes with the regular DESQview/X distribution,
and should be in your \DVX directory; BDFTOSNF.EXE should have come
with this document. Unlike its UNIX counterpart and earlier versions
of BDFTOSNF for DESQview/X, this version of BDFTOSNF does not require
The MAKESNF.BAT file, which should also have come with this document,
automates this process. The MAKESNF.BAT file assumes
a) that BDFTOSNF.EXE is in the current directory;
b) that the BDF fonts that you wish to convert are in the current
directory; and
c) that the MKFNTDIR program (explained below) is in the \DVX
directory on the current drive.
Please alter MAKESNF.BAT accordingly if these files are elsewhere.
This is the MAKESNF.BAT file:
rem Usage: MAKESNF
rem - assumes that the fonts you wish to convert are in the current
rem directory
rem - assumes that the .BDF fonts you wish to convert are in the
rem current directory
rem - assumes that the MKFNTDIR program is in the \DVX directory on
rem the current drive
for %%a in (*.bdf) do bdftosnf %%a
Copy BDFTOSNF.EXE and MAKESNF.BAT (the files that came with this
document) to the new font directory.
3. Quit DESQview/X, go to the DESQview/X directory, and run the
DESQview/X Setup program. Choose A for Advanced Setup, D for
Display, and F for Font Path. To the end of the current font path,
append a comma and the name of the directory that you added in the
first step above. In our example, the old line would look like this:
and the new line would be
4. Restart DESQview/X. You should now have access to the ported fonts.
*This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it*
*is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. *
* Copyright (C) 1991-2 by Quarterdeck Office Systems *
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